EU Parliament Employment Committee Votes on New Legislation

Just last week, the European Parliament’s Employment Committee voted in favor of new legislation as part of the Christensen report on the EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work. Commenting on many of the new elements of the EP vote, UEAPME Secretary General Peter Faross said “UEAPME is very concerned about the EP’s…

Barack Obama Tells Britain: Stay in the EU

Barack Obama has recently warned that Britain will lose its influence if it leaves the EU. During an interview with the BBC broadcast on Thursday night, Obama said the EU “made the world safer and more prosperous” and he confirmed that American hopes that Britain will remain a member. As Obama said, “Having the UK…

UberPop Suspends Services in France…For Now

Uber is soon going to suspend its UberPop service in France. While the California based company had been adamant that they would continue, despite demands from President Francois Hollande’s gobernment to stop their service, they have finally given in. Their services were deemed illegal since they use an app to connect clients to private car-owners….

Eastern European News

Lithuania Propels into Fintech

Lithuania is fast gaining a reputation for being the most accelerated Fintech hub in all of Europe. It features year-on-year 40% growth in the area as well as a burgeoning talent base and quite unique regulatory route.  This has rendered it Europe’s largest e-money license issuer. As such, large names are flocking to the area…

Business in Europe: Best Countries Report

Yesterday the European Chamber (EUCHAM) put out a report of “rank[ing] and analyz[ing] all 46 European countries according to their economic environment.” In brief, it was found that the list toppers were those from the Nordic regions (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden).  Next on the list was the UK.  While in general the FSU countries…