Author Archives: Derrik Brunner

Europe: A Financial Train Wreck

According to Scott Minerd, CIO of the fixed-income firm Guggenheim Partners, Europe is a “train wreck” that is teetering on the “brink of a major financial crisis.” Now that’s optimistic news. Insane Actions Minerd explained that Europe is acting in a way that many would define as insanity – doing the same thing over and…

Is America’s Debt Crisis Hurting the EU?

We now know that the immediately debt crisis in America has been diverted, but America is, by no means, out of the woods. Here, the show News Analysis takes a look at the American debt crisis and at how it is hurting the EU. Guests on the show include binary economics professor, Rodney Shakespeare; editor…

Making Delinquent Parents & Businesses Pay

At the moment, it is very difficult for a parent to get child maintenance payments from a parent who has moved across borders and gone into another member state. Hopefully, that is about to change. Proposals are underway by the European Commission to help parents caught in this situation. Delinquent Cases Approximately 134,000 child maintenance…

Monaco Royals Suing French Magazine

In recent news, those royals in Monaco aren’t happy with what the press has been saying about them. What a shame. Monaco newlyweds Prince Albert and Princess Charlene are actually taking the effort to sue the French magazine L’Express for publishing certain things leading up to the July wedding. Crazy Trip to the Alter On…

Bigger Toilet Seat for Obese in the UK

As the world gets more and more obese, it makes sense that certain businesses would see the opportunity to cash in on this problem. Now, the Big John toilet seat is stepping in, offering an oversized toilet seat for those who are growing and growing in Britain. The Cost of Obesity The seat costs £200…

Midwife Shortage: Impact on Mothers

If you’re considering having a baby in either England or Wales, you might want to look elsewhere for that delivery. That’s because there is a dire shortage of midwives in the area, forcing maternity wards to turn away almost 1000 mothers-to-be last year. Midwife Shortage The Royal College of Midwives says that at least 4700…

Larry Elliott and the EU Economy

In the face of Greece’s bailout, financial analysts are turning to Portugal and speculating about both Portugal and Spain’s future. This video, from includes economics editor Larry Elliott analyzing the situation.

EU Slowdown for August Amidst Potential Crises

While there is a “clear risk” potential for both the eurozone and the Arab world during the next six weeks, vacations are taking precedent in the area. This means that, as August approaches and everyone gets ready for fun, the EU institutions will drop their staff by 80%. Smooth Sailing for August? Certainly, these EU…

Own Harry Potter’s Home

If you’re a Harry Potter enthusiast, forget the exciting premiere of the latest movie. We’ve got something much more exciting here. How would you like to be the owner of J.K. Rowling’s childhood home, complete with her name inscribed on her bedroom window? House on Sale That dream will actually be a reality soon for…

Jackpot Hit for Lucky EU Winner

If you took part in the most recent £161 EuroMillions lottery and you were hoping to retire early – keep that day job. The lottery was won last night by a single ticket holder in Britain and it was the biggest ever win in the EuroMillions draw. Lucky Winner The winner, who has not yet…