Author Archives: Derrik Brunner

EU Crisis Continues, Finance Ministers Struggle to Reach Plan

Last Wednesday, European finance leaders stated that they have put their hopes in an agreement on stronger fiscal union, in an effort to encourage investment and restore confidence in the euro zone. According to Jacek Rostowski, finance minister of Poland, reassuring investors of the solidity of the region is critical, and so an agreement on…

Japan’s Finance Minister Jun Azumi Calls on Europe to Boost Efforts

Following last week’s European summit, Japan’s finance minister Jun Azumi stated that EU leaders will need to do more to resolve the crisis before turning to the International Monetary Fund. He implied that Tokyo is not satisfied with the deal that was settled last week. “It would be difficult to draw any detailed picture on…

EU Countries Reach Fragile Agreement, Great Britain Rejects Deal

26 of the 27 EU countries reached a delicate settlement last Friday, agreeing to institute binding limits of national budgets and borrowing, as well as strict penalties for those who cross the spending limit. The only European Union country to discard the plan was Great Britain. According to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the deal is…

U.S. Stocks Up as EU Summit Approaches

On Tuesday, U.S. stocks rose in ahead of the upcoming EU summit later this week, during which financial leaders will discuss doubling the region’s rescue fund. “The market wants to go higher,” explained Dan Veru of Palisade Capital Management. “Europe is finally talking on a constructive manner to solving its problems. If they come up…

German Finance Minister Reveals Detailed Proposal for Debt Crisis

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble recently revealed the details of his national redemption fund proposal. The plan, which works to solve the sovereign debt crisis, will be presented at the EU leader meeting planned for next week. According to the proposal, states would place a piece of their debt in a designated national fund to…

Eurogroup Approves Plan for New Bond Issues

Financial disaster looms closer as Italy’s borrowing costs increase dramatically and the entire region grapples with debt crises. Euro zone finance ministers have agreed to boost their rescue fund, though have not revealed by how much. They may also be forced to turn to the IMF for additional aid. For the past two years, investors…

Good Time for Gold?

For those investigating different investment options vis-à-vis precious metals, now could well be a good time to look into gold.  News on the gold front is that the figure stands at 0.87 percent higher than at its previous monetary-investment analysis.  This, in part, is due to the unfortunate predicament from the weakened US dollar.  So…

German Finance Minister Schaeuble On the EU Crisis

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has implied that European governments may put together a permanent rescue fund which requires bondholders to share losses in sovereign bailouts. He added that Germany may withdraw from demands that private creditors back rescues in payment for European treaty amendments which heighten limitations on budget oversight. The EU’s attempts to…

Italy’s New Prime Minister Meets European Commission President

Italy’s new Prime Minister, Mario Monti, a former European commissioner, returned to Brussels earlier this week, pledging to give the EU a primary position in his government work. He also claimed that growth and fiscal discipline could complement each other. “I don’t see any contradiction between rigor in public finance and growth via structural reform,”…

George Osborne Rejects Transaction Tax Suggestion

According to Chancellor George Osborne, a European financial transaction tax would be a fatal mistake for the continent unless countries like the US and China were to participate. EU policymaker suggested the idea, only to have Britain reject it in an effort to protect London’s role as a global financial hotspot. “Proposals for a Europe-only…